divendres, 19 de desembre del 2014




The snaptrax-bluetooth baseball cap found with bloutooth and permit you talk with you friends because you can conected with other caps and talk with them.This cap looks like your regular baseball cap, but features a Bluetooth module, microphone and speakers built into the corners of the cap just above the peak.
Miller and his team are working for improve the technical details and attempt to increase the baterry of this invent.
A Bluetooth module, microphone and speakers are built into the corners of the cap
In this picture you can see the functioning of this cap.


I like this because is one cap extraordinary because you can talk and listen  your friends withe bluetooth.The snaptrax-bluetooth baseball cap is easy to use and dosen't have difficulty.This cap is beautiful and light but cost 158$ . This price of this cap is very big but is very good for talk with other people without the mobile phone.

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