diumenge, 15 de febrer del 2015


Hawaii is one of most recent  of  U.S states, this is the only located in Oceania.
This island is very extraordinary because there are a lot of animals species and the most of them are in the sea.
If you live or travel here, you can do a lot of trips, where you can see a lot of things that you never saw; and also you be able to eat his food.
The  typical food in Hawaii is the LomiLomi (This typical food of Hawaii is one of the most delicious , made with crushed tomatoes and onions , is composed of a grilled salmon.) or Poke, LauLau , etc....
The beach is the most  beautiful place of Hawaii because you can see the combination of palms,sand sea .....,and this is the result of this wonderful and splendid panorama.

Finally, I want to tell you one thing of this island:
This island is very beautiful and many tourist, scientists and other people travel for see this nature.

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