divendres, 20 de març del 2015


 27 Antony Road
29th September
Lawyer's Office
Justice House
11 High Street

To whom it may concern ,
I would like to apply for a job in the Lawyer's Office as an Lawyer. 
First of all, I am going to talk about my self. 
When I was a child while I was studying in the high school I had been working in the Mercadona supermarket. Later while I was finishing my degree I helped my father, who is judge arrangeing his stuff into files.
Then, when I finally got the degree, I continued working with my father, but as a real lawyer.
Now I am applying for in the Justice House because I want to be more self-sufficient and have my own trial.
So I would like to work in Blessintong Lawyer's Office.

Looking forward to your prompt reply,

Yours faithfully,

Collum Smith

dimarts, 3 de març del 2015

Luis Enrique


 In one enrevist Luis Enrique said:
The coach is wary of Villarreal and the variations that may occur: "I know Villarreal League does not look like he has played against us.
 It is a team with great ball skills, one of the best games of our championship.
Also Luis Enrique said :, "is not our aim to speculate on the outcome. The goal is to win the game. If we win, surely no surprise."

Finally Luis Enrique said: "We will not go to Villarreal ride"

I am agree with Luis Enrique because the football club Barcelona(FCB) must win this match to keep the front and won the League Cup.
This time players must play better than always, because the rivals have improved and this time, they be able to win the FCB.

Test of philosophy

Today in class we did a test where we had to explain that was the nature and the culture.
It was not as difficult as talking about other things, in this examination we can see that there are many reasons which make us human.
One of which is:
- The most prevalent human nature that culture because culture are barriers that we put on nature to defend ourselves.(science or medicine)
-For the other hand we can also see that we are a kind of paradox as we can not be inside the culture or outside  the culture  .
So I think that the culture predominates more than over nature.
Also in this test we were able to explain the opinion of one text which  spoke about animals and they had the right to live. And the author said it had to defend them because they are like us.

dilluns, 2 de març del 2015

Podcast ; Collum's description

Chelsea 2-0 Tottenham Hotspur: Jose Mourinho's perfect day

Jose Mourinho


This week was perfect because in Maurinioh club won Tothenham by two goals to zero, the players were able to beat this great team and finally took the victory.
Moreover the Chelsea football club is in first position with 60 points and is likely to win the Cup of the Premier League.


I am very happy with this coach because last year failed to win any cup but this year we will see the Chelsea football club lifting the cup of the Premier League.

I think that Maurinioh has worked hard to get this cup and he has shown that with effort anyone can get everything you want.

Research paper

Today I give my teacher  the proposed about research paper. I  chose the topic of antibiotics as I believe that this work has much to do with what I do. In this research paper I have focused on two parts:
Theoretical part:
- What are antibiotics?
How do they work?
-What Precautions must be followed?
Reactions which lead to our body?
Analyze antibiotics
Conduct interviews with people specialized in this faculty.
Hope you to choose this job because I would love to do it.

Presentation ; Hawaii

When my friend passed me the video could not arrive all, since it was a 6 minute video.
So I apologize for not being able to hang it.
I think it went pretty well this presentation, because this time I went alone and as it progressed I realized that it was improving.
So I think I have much improved in this presentation .