dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2015

Tarantulas evolved blue color " at least eight times"

tarantula with blue markings sitting on a reflective surface

News ( Tarantulas)


Tarantulas have evolved almost exactly the same shade of vibrant blue at least eight separate times.
That is the conclusion of a study by US biologists, exploring how the colour is created in different tarantula species.
This colour was created by tiny structures inside the animals hair. The scientist said that this colour didn't has created by the natural selection.
Given their relatively simple eyes, it is doubtful that tarantulas can distinguish this shade of blue from any other colour.
That is one of the reasons that sexual selection seems unlikely - by contrast with some other spiders, which have remarkably good vision and put on very colourful courtship displays, such as the mesmerising peacock spider.

Opinion :

I am very surprised because I could see that there were tarantulas blue and what makes it so your hair is not natural selection. Also today science has increased in a surprising way and this helps improve humanity 's conditions of life and can find out more about the world which surrounds us.

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