dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2015

The milk

News ( Lactasa)


 Dr Llamas and colleagues found Europeans descended from three groups: Stone-Age hunter-gatherers, farmers that migrated from Anatolia (modern-day Turkey), and nomadic herders that migrated west from the Great Steppe in Russia.

For this study, the researchers analysed patterns in the genomes of these groups to look at how human traits had changed since the advent of agriculture in Europe around 8,500 years ago.

One of the most surprising findings related to the emergence of the genetic mutation that enables humans to drink raw milk.

This mutation enables the enzyme lactase, which digests lactose in milk, to remain active long after weaning occurs.

This enzime allows to break the link between glucose and galactose to get energy.


Lactase is an enzyme produced in the small intestine and which is synthesized during childhood of all mammals . Its action is essential in the process of converting lactose double sugar ( disaccharide ) , its components glucose and galactose . Lactase is produced in the brush border of the cells lining the intestinal villi .

It belongs to the family of disaccharidases , which are enzymes that are responsible for breaking disaccharides into monosaccharides that form . The lack of lactase originated lactose intolerance , which is a relatively common , especially in elderly anomaly.

I think that we need to drink milk when we are samll and when we grow up we need to leave it.

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