dijous, 15 d’octubre del 2015

Letter to my teacher

Dear teacher,

How are you ? I hope you are well. My name is Soufyane El Baizi El Jamili . I was born in  Hospital of Figueras in 1998 , I’m sexteen years old and I live in Empuriabrava, Spain. My favourite sports are football and basketball but now I don’t play to any club because the studies are more difficult and I need more time for study. 

In this moment I doing second scientific baccalaureate because I would like to study something related to medicine and / or biology . This subjects need a high mark and I’m ready to get this note. As Obama said in his speech “Nothing happens if you fall a million times , the important thing is that we will never surrender”.Thanks this sentence I could know that from failures appears the succes. For example I have a similar problem equal this; I have a problem with a spanish class because the exams are very difficult ,and I never could overcome the 5/10 but thanks the effort, I improved them.

In conclusion I focused in never fall ever and if I fall I will rise another time and for get this I need to remember that ,never I have to drop out the school and cut class.

Best regards,

Soufyane el Baizi el Jamili.

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