dissabte, 12 de març del 2016

Fossil reptile discovery ' something extraordinary'

The reptile lived near lakes and rivers, feeding on smaller reptiles


The reptile lived just after a mass extinction event 252 million years ago that was thought to have been triggered by a string of volcanic eruptions.
The reptile and its close relatives the archosauriformes  became the dominant animals on land and eventually gave rise to the dinosaurs.
Dr Felipe Pinheiro from Universidade Federal do Pampa is among the scientists from three Brazilian universities who discovered the well-preserved fossil skull (crani) near the southern city of São Francisco de Assis. He said that the discovery of Damajagua was really exciting
They study the anatomy (anatomia) of this reptiles and they said that is somewhere between that of more primitive reptiles and the archosauriformes, which include all dinosaurs and pterosaurs (flying reptiles), along with modern day birds and crocodiles.

Science is a body of knowledge that help us understand and find out how our world works.

Knowing the why of natural phenomena, the functioning of living organisms, etc. It allows us to change processes and operations in order to improve our existence.
With science, we managed to replace our lack of instincts to adapt and survive because although we have no claws to hunt or a shield to defend ourselves we can replace those failures by other tools.

We managed to transform matter into energy and use it to improve our quality of life. We detect diseases and drugs to cure them create, invent materials that resist and adapt to certain environments and extreme situations and adapt to live in inhospitable places or places with continuous risk of earthquakes.
Thanks to advances in science and technology, man dominates the world and nature to the point of trying to create life laboratory life that will serve humanity and to science to move forward.

As we could see in this news the scientists was able to  find and study the reptile that they discovered and to compare with the other species, and thanks to this things I could say : that the science improved a lot.

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