dissabte, 12 de març del 2016

The Iberian lynx

Lince iberico


The Iberian lynx has managed to take a step towards survival. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has published today the update of the Red List of endangered (en perill) species. And the lynx, which for three decades is undergoing a recovery program Life passes from the category of "critically endangered" to "endangered" to dry.

Late last century, lynx grazed extinction. That was when the plan was launched Iberlince, the Life project with more funds across the European Union.


The endangered animals are many and every day there are more, because the cancer of the planet continues and nobody can stop it, or rather, no one wants.It is almost late for cure but who begins to cure if all are the disease, "the Human Being" the worst cancer of the planet, the animal eats, and uses what it needs as a natural resources and are not wasted. We install us in a place we reproduce ourselves and we eat all and spend all resources and after that we have to immigrate elsewhere gain sufficient assurance with the same destroying and avarice, without thinking about those who will come after.

Soon we'll be the endangered animals think of this way.

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