divendres, 28 de novembre del 2014

Cook with chemistry compounds ?

Today in class of chemistry with Lluïsa Pintó we talk about the cooking with chemistry compounds.When I arrived in home I search information of this, and I found a lot of restaurant where they use this way.For example Albert and Farrán Adriá prepare different plate where they use the chemistry.For example they prepare caviar of melon,spaghetti of agar-agar(gelatinous substance obtained from algae) etc...
The caviar of melon is one foodstuff where they use to "Alginato" , is one product  extract of brown seaweed. This product reaction with chloride of calcium (differents compounds) and this reactions form one stable and resistant structure which cover the melon juice. A lot of people like this food because is original and have a very good taste.Someday I will go in this restautrants for eat this food, or if I will can I prepare this.

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