dilluns, 24 de novembre del 2014

Ugly Duckling

Peter and Collum were walking to their first school day, the summer ended and they were very anxious because they didn't meet anyone before.
As soon as they started classes they realised that they weren't the tallest, strongest, prettiest, so they feel embarrassed.
During their first week they became aware that if they didn't improve their popularity they would be abused and mistreated. So that, Peter suggested Collum to meet each other and planed a way to reach the popularity. But all went wrong, becouse Jackson and his friends bullied and embarrassed them in front of everyone.
The following days Collum and Peter two boys from an outskirt small village, started suffering practical jokes from Jackson, the strongest and the other guys.
3 month later they were fed up and started karate classes in the gym whith the objective of protecting themselves and seduce Carol, the most beautiful girl in class.

Finally when the last term was ending, they were stronger than their rivals and Carol started noticing them. They were the most popular then.

The End

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