divendres, 21 de novembre del 2014

Differences and similarites between Chee Seng and Tracy (Book and Film)

First similarity of this boy and this girl is the problems there have.Tracy is good student and nice
girl , but after she go with Evie the elegant and beautiful girl of his school.Then Tracy take a drugs, smoke, have relacions whit other persons, etc...
Chee Seng is nice and simpatic boy, but when he meet new friend and have a girlfriend will begin have a family and friend problems.His mother take drugs when she know his plan ,when his girlfriend fall under the pool....
In this problems always there are one person lead the protagonist to the bad way.
There are a lot of similaritys , this is because the childhood change and become a adolescence because they think in himself.
But Tracy is the first year she goes to the high school and she wanted to be popular
This persons also have problems with his family and this is very dificult to live .
The differencie between the book ( The Best of Times) and the film( Theerten) is: in the book and film there are a second protagonist and they are a bad influence, one is rich (in the book) and the other the girl steal(in the film).Also the two stories are in different continents

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