dijous, 27 de novembre del 2014

My project of research (chemistry)

The project of research consist in do one presentation where you explain about the matter you choosen.I have chosen the chemistry because I love this science, the chemistry is one subject where there are a lot of scientist and they make a differents theory.The chemistry is astonishing because the relacions whit the elements whit other elements create a other compound for example the chloride of potassium is the result with the union of chlorine and potassium,and this is reaction of synthesis.There are a lot of chemistry reactions and I going to present some strange reactions,for example Alzheimer, cholesterol and other type. But also be able to do the organic and inorganic chemistry.This science is beautiful in the world of medicine because the organic compound help a lot of persons when they have a problems in his body, for example the hyperglycemia etc....
The chemistry is spectacular and important for the human race.

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