diumenge, 7 de juny del 2015

The story about my new pet

This week I found a stray cat, and I wanted to give it to someone to care for him, but nobody wanted.
She was a nice cat, also was very small and had a very thin skin.
It was gray with white stripes; she had an elegant sound and a very fine tone.
When I got home, I gave him food and I cleaned him, until they fell asleep.
Finally, after three days, I met a person who was interested about him and I gave it.
Now I am very happy and I give   thanks for all people that treat well the animals.

When I was surfing the internet I found curious information about cats :

Cats are cute and adorable creatures that are kept as pets by people around the world. However, cats are known to be treacherous and deceptive. Seeing them in dreams is not considered a good omen as you can expect treachery and cheating from those around you. Killing a cat in dream reflects enemies in your life.

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