diumenge, 7 de juny del 2015

We have made the world a better place?

In the 20th century, the human race have been improved by tegnology resources , but that has made that the world were a polluted place.
I don't agree with this , for several reasons.

  • First, I think that we have to use the renewable energy and we have to stop to use coal and the petrol, because If we did this we could live without any problems.
  • Secondly, the wars caused a lot of problems, and I think that I found the solution and this is the cooperation. If two people cooperate, they won't have any problem.
  • Third, the tegnology recources have increased and this is thanks the new intelligence , I think that this is the only news that are good for the Earth.

In conlusion, we have made the world a better place with tegnology resources but we will have to wipe out the bad chemical compounds and we have to stop the wars.

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