Mars rover has nearly finished crossing a stretch the roughness of the terrain raised concern that driving on it could be especially damaging to Curiosity's wheels. Holes and tears in the rover's aluminum wheels became noticeable in 2013. The rover team responded by adjusting the long-term traverse route, revising how local terrain is assessed and refining how drives are planned. Extensive Earth-based testing provided insight into wheel longevity.
There are hypotheses that attempt to deny the veracity of the Martian NASA missions, specifically what we try to explain these hypotheses is that robots NASA (called Rover) are not on Mars but on Earth, it's all a farce very prepared to pass unnoticed as true, and the reasons for this arrangement would hiding the truth, the truth guess would be that humanity needs not travel to Mars or other more distant planets at least for the sole purpose of finding alien life or study elements for life, because NASA maintains contact with alien life decades ago, and finally, that's what counts in many parts.
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