divendres, 6 de maig del 2016

A formal E-MAIL.

Dear Mr.President Barack Obama,
I am writing to tell you that the human rights are violated. I was in New York and I saw that the people are discriminated by their religions because  they think that it is a fake.
According to the Article 1 of the human rights, all the human race is born free and equal and they are fitted of reason and conscience. But is not only broken in your country, because I travelled around the world and I saw that they are violated everywhere.
But not only the Article 1 is violated also the Article 5. The Article 5 says: "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment".
This Human Right is not complied in many countries. In your  country there are cases of torture to terrorists and mistreat of immigrants.
In view of that we are angry because the human rights are not respected and also I think that theb  government has to do something to solve the problema.
Your faithfully,
Soufyane el Baizi el Jamili and Martí Sanz.

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