divendres, 6 de maig del 2016

The blue whale

The blue whale is the largest mammal in the world, and the largest animal ever known. These whales breathe air, but they have their home in the water, which helps to support the weight of his big body. We can find this mammals in any ocean. They swim in small groups or alone. In times of summer, often go to colder waters. Also they make great migrations towards the equator when winter comes. Normally we can see the blue whale on coasts of California and Mexico.

They feed on denim and can consume between 4 and 8 tons per day. Currently, we only know that there are few examples of this kind of whale. For many years, blue whales have been hunted so cruel for grease and oil, which has led to a dramatic decrease in the number of the population of whales.

When you exhale, let go a powerful water jet to the hole you up from your body about nine meters.

They live 35 to 40 years and measured from 25 to 32 meters and weigh about 180 kg.

There are a lots of people kill  the blue whales because they want their skin or their meat and thanks to the greenpeace they can't do it.

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