divendres, 6 de maig del 2016

The last Saturday

Last Saturday, I had a pícnic at the beache with some friends. We were playing volleyball with no shoes on. Suddenly I stood on a piece of glass. It really hurt and there was blood everywhere.

I sat down on the sand. Then, my friend Campio came to help me. He tried to get the glass out of my foot. Meanwhile. the others packed up the pícnic things and got ready to leave. Then , my friends helped me walk to the road but it was difficult because the glass was still in my foot.

We were standing at the bus stop waiting for a bus. Suddenly, I heard my name. It was my cousin, Aiman, in the car. Aimans's a doctor. He looked at my foot carefully.

Then, he said, "Get in the car, you need to go to hospital" . Then, Aiman drove me to the hospita.

Finally my friend phoned my parents an told them about my accident.

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