diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2014

My favorite sport

My favorite sport is football, is difficult because there are a lot of good playars in the world. I like this sport because is simple and difficult in same time.The last year I was playing in Football Club Esplais is very good Club and we have a good trainer. This year I don't play football because I have a very difficult year because I do baccalaureate and  I need more studies for access in university.I love football but now I am uneasy for stydies before football. The football is like second opportunity, for example if you doesn't have very good studies and your hobby is football you can do the test in some Club  (for examle the Barcelona,Real Madrid etc....) and If you have luck they chosen you.

dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2014

After Earth

This film consist in: One landing of emergency left Kitai Raige and his father in the Earth, where they were trapped.

This planet there have catastrophes, and 1.000 years after this they come back .Whit the father of Kitai Raige wounded the boy should do a long and dangerous trip for send signal of help,where he fight with other race of animals and one alien creature which escape from the spaceship.

I like this film because the protagonist should do one trip where he will found a lot of creatures and will have a action with they.This film is special for me because he have one adventure and finally the father and his son come back home(other planet).
In my opinion the protagonist does a perfect work , the film have a good graphic. But I think this movie would be better.
Protagonist(Jaden Smith) his father(Will Smith)

Mark: 8,5/10



divendres, 28 de novembre del 2014

Cook with chemistry compounds ?

Today in class of chemistry with Lluïsa Pintó we talk about the cooking with chemistry compounds.When I arrived in home I search information of this, and I found a lot of restaurant where they use this way.For example Albert and Farrán Adriá prepare different plate where they use the chemistry.For example they prepare caviar of melon,spaghetti of agar-agar(gelatinous substance obtained from algae) etc...
The caviar of melon is one foodstuff where they use to "Alginato" , is one product  extract of brown seaweed. This product reaction with chloride of calcium (differents compounds) and this reactions form one stable and resistant structure which cover the melon juice. A lot of people like this food because is original and have a very good taste.Someday I will go in this restautrants for eat this food, or if I will can I prepare this.

dijous, 27 de novembre del 2014

My project of research (chemistry)

The project of research consist in do one presentation where you explain about the matter you choosen.I have chosen the chemistry because I love this science, the chemistry is one subject where there are a lot of scientist and they make a differents theory.The chemistry is astonishing because the relacions whit the elements whit other elements create a other compound for example the chloride of potassium is the result with the union of chlorine and potassium,and this is reaction of synthesis.There are a lot of chemistry reactions and I going to present some strange reactions,for example Alzheimer, cholesterol and other type. But also be able to do the organic and inorganic chemistry.This science is beautiful in the world of medicine because the organic compound help a lot of persons when they have a problems in his body, for example the hyperglycemia etc....
The chemistry is spectacular and important for the human race.

dimarts, 25 de novembre del 2014

Scientists study the interaction of the solar wind and Earth's Atmosphere from Norway


The NASA work in one experiment consist in build satellite, and Norway is the ideal place to conduct the experiment to increase the understanding of the interaction of the solar wind with the Earth's upper atmosphere.
This mission requires the deployment of 24 individual canister sub-payloads. Each canister, containing barium and strontium(two elements), the expriment will be propelled away from the main payload by small rocket motors and produce colorful vapor clouds between the altitude of 93 and 248 miles over the Greenland Sea west of Svalbard, Norway. Is very importan for explain better the relation with the sun and the earth.

This experiment is important because the scientists will can understanding the relacion of solar wind with the Earth's Atmosphere.I think this because this experiment will give other information with the sun and Atmosphere of the Earth, and we have a lot of new knowledge.The human being is extraordinary because he get understand the Earth,the sun and the solar system.I am surprised for the excellent work do the NASA.

Presentation of english (The love ritual)

I do a bad peresentation because I can do better. I shouldn't be nervous and practice more in the home whit my family,friens or alone.Also I should improve than in the pronunciation because is very important for explain. I was really nervious because it was my first presentation in this class, but the second term I will can do better because every time I improve.

The love ritual
Do you use any resources: powerpoint, video, images, sound, real material...?
Are the resources focused on the topic?
Do the resources support your oral explanation?
Is the timing 5- 10 minutes?
Body language & eye contact
Are  you looking at your audience most of the time?
Are you reading occasionally from your notes ?
Are you doing any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience?
Do you organize your ideas in order of importance?
Do you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear? (First, then, secondly, on the one hand, on the other, finally…)
Do you introduce new information to your audience?
Is your information  detailed, clear and...?
Do you give/show examples?
Is your grammar correct, complex? (verbs, word order, tenses learnt in class)
Is your vocabulary rich, varied (synonyms, idioms, expressions, phasal verbs, topic-related)
Do you use sentence linkers? (and, but, moreover, also, furthermore, although, however…)
Do you use fillers? (well, you know, for example, one second, repeating a word…)
Pronunciation & Intonation
Do you know how to pronounce all your words? Did you check the pronunciation?
Do you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? Do you speak in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
You are your teacher! :-)                                 FINAL MARK:

dilluns, 24 de novembre del 2014

Ugly Duckling

Peter and Collum were walking to their first school day, the summer ended and they were very anxious because they didn't meet anyone before.
As soon as they started classes they realised that they weren't the tallest, strongest, prettiest, so they feel embarrassed.
During their first week they became aware that if they didn't improve their popularity they would be abused and mistreated. So that, Peter suggested Collum to meet each other and planed a way to reach the popularity. But all went wrong, becouse Jackson and his friends bullied and embarrassed them in front of everyone.
The following days Collum and Peter two boys from an outskirt small village, started suffering practical jokes from Jackson, the strongest and the other guys.
3 month later they were fed up and started karate classes in the gym whith the objective of protecting themselves and seduce Carol, the most beautiful girl in class.

Finally when the last term was ending, they were stronger than their rivals and Carol started noticing them. They were the most popular then.

The End

divendres, 21 de novembre del 2014

Differences and similarites between Chee Seng and Tracy (Book and Film)

First similarity of this boy and this girl is the problems there have.Tracy is good student and nice
girl , but after she go with Evie the elegant and beautiful girl of his school.Then Tracy take a drugs, smoke, have relacions whit other persons, etc...
Chee Seng is nice and simpatic boy, but when he meet new friend and have a girlfriend will begin have a family and friend problems.His mother take drugs when she know his plan ,when his girlfriend fall under the pool....
In this problems always there are one person lead the protagonist to the bad way.
There are a lot of similaritys , this is because the childhood change and become a adolescence because they think in himself.
But Tracy is the first year she goes to the high school and she wanted to be popular
This persons also have problems with his family and this is very dificult to live .
The differencie between the book ( The Best of Times) and the film( Theerten) is: in the book and film there are a second protagonist and they are a bad influence, one is rich (in the book) and the other the girl steal(in the film).Also the two stories are in different continents

diumenge, 9 de novembre del 2014

I have classes of Arabic

Every weekend I have classes of Arabic in Empuriabrava, this leguage is very beautiful and very dificult because there are a lot of words and all are diferent to spanish.I know write and speak this lenguage,I read the coran and get cientific information.The coran is central religious text of islam where there are all revelions of God.I do classes in the morning with my sister and diferents friends, the teacher is very generous and sometimes horrible. Every sunday the teacher ask for one verse of the coran and we dictate. The Arabic lenguage is important to read the coran.

dijous, 6 de novembre del 2014

My good day

To day I have a good day because my dad have a vacation and the teacher of chemistry give me practice, and I get one ten. Then I arrive in home and my mother prepare me delicious lounch. After that I do homework of catalan and physics,when I had finished, my dad and I goes in Figueras to buy a new mobile phone because I lost in physical education. When we arrived in home wached the television and had lunch.Finally before of sleep I read the book of English(The best of times ?) and tomorrow morning my dad and my mum give me a gift.Then, I go to school again and when I had finished  I came home and met my uncle .