dilluns, 8 de juny del 2015

Final Reflection

1.  Can you see an improvement on your level of English in the past year/s?  Where, for example?

The first writing I did in high school was:

Dear Teacher,
How are you? I hope you're well. I am writing to tell you about my school.
I have classes in Institute Castello Empuries. I'm in class with and thirty-one studens.They're all from different cauntries. Our teacher's English names is Sonia guilana.She's very nice and very good teacher.
I have chosen the scientific baccalaureate because I want to be a chemistry teacher or physics teacher.I do baccalaureate because i want to have more studies for access a university but before i have do one test.
That's all my news. Write to me soon
Best whises.

I think that I improved my level of english because when I arrived in high school I had a bad level of english but when I put the "batteries" I got every day better.

We can see the improvement now in my blog ,Now I am very happy because I'm be able to talk with english person but I need to study more for improve more my english.

2. Which activity best shows your level of English?

I think that the writings are the best activities that shows my level of english, because when I write , I feel that my engilish improve.

3. Which activities were really USEFUL for you to improve your English? Why?
I think that what is useful to improve my English are the writings .

Because every time I give one to the teacher, and she corrects him I feel happy and also improved my English .

4. Which activities did you NOT find useful to learn English? Why not?

I think that all activities have improved my english

5. Which activities would like to do again next year to keep on improving your English?

I think that to improve  English level , we can do activities that are fun and are more complicated at a time.

So wr can get to improve our English at the highest level possible.

diumenge, 7 de juny del 2015

How do you do Arabic tea?

Arabic tea is strong and healthy with a distinctive flavor that is similar to some of the breakfast teas available in the market . Dark , fast foods and is usually served with lots of sugar .
You need :
- Fresh mint
-  Black tea
- Sugar
- Water


Boiling the desired amount of water according to the portions of tea.
Measure a tablespoon and a half of tea and put them into the container where there is boiling the water,  after add four tablespoons sugar .
Finally, put up fresh mint tea.

And is ready to serve.


Tyler Dvorak with the Catalina Island Conservancy spied the carcass while scanning a beach on the northeastern end of Catalina with binoculars on June. He found a Oarfish, deep-sea lifestyle makes it difficult to study, so any opportunity to do so is welcome. 


I think we were very lucky to have found Oarfish, because their living conditions makes it much more difficult to observe and fishing.

What you should do is study it and see what are the things that stand out more in it to attract more and be able to catch them .

Picture of head of dead giant oarfish

The perfect day.

Today I went to the beach with my friends.
Everything started on a Saturday morning . Yassin called me to go to the beach with Tarik Ouahabi , Soulaiman Masmoudi and Anass Maazizi .

I was happy and I said yes, so I wore the bathing suit and I took towel .
We were walking until we got to the track next to the beach where all our friends were there.
We played with them and finally we entered the water that was cold.
After  Taric Ouahabi,  wanted to invite us  a napolitana, soft-drink and  ice cream for me and my friends.
Finally we said goodbye to them, and I  and Yassin Chentouf went  to see Football Club Barcelona match in my house and we celebrated the treble of Barcelona .

The new your say

Today morning they come my colleagues for my  to go to the beach.

I 've been saying that I could not because I had to finish my blog of english .

For a moment I was thinking it would make and finally had a clever idea , which was based on :

If I go to the beach I am able to write a good writing about what has happened and everything that I have made with ​​my friends.

Finally I went to the beach and I  have had fun a lot and now I can write a good writing.

Podcasts: Description a picture

You can see the image in the task; Description Image

We have made the world a better place?

In the 20th century, the human race have been improved by tegnology resources , but that has made that the world were a polluted place.
I don't agree with this , for several reasons.

  • First, I think that we have to use the renewable energy and we have to stop to use coal and the petrol, because If we did this we could live without any problems.
  • Secondly, the wars caused a lot of problems, and I think that I found the solution and this is the cooperation. If two people cooperate, they won't have any problem.
  • Third, the tegnology recources have increased and this is thanks the new intelligence , I think that this is the only news that are good for the Earth.

In conlusion, we have made the world a better place with tegnology resources but we will have to wipe out the bad chemical compounds and we have to stop the wars.

New test detects drug use from a single fingerprint

In the University of Surrey, a team of researchers from the Dutch Forensic Institute have demonstrated a new non-invasive test that can detect cocaine through a single fingerprint. For the first time, this new method of fingerprinting can determine whether the cocaine was ingested, rather than just touched.
Also have used this method for other parts of body, for example the saliva or others.
In this process the scientists use analytical chemistry technique known as mass spectrometry. 
 I think that this is a very good idea because we could find the people who take a drug and we can give them a fine.
Also, when we perform this technique we could avoid the people take drugs and the world would be safe.

News Link

The story about my new pet

This week I found a stray cat, and I wanted to give it to someone to care for him, but nobody wanted.
She was a nice cat, also was very small and had a very thin skin.
It was gray with white stripes; she had an elegant sound and a very fine tone.
When I got home, I gave him food and I cleaned him, until they fell asleep.
Finally, after three days, I met a person who was interested about him and I gave it.
Now I am very happy and I give   thanks for all people that treat well the animals.

When I was surfing the internet I found curious information about cats :

Cats are cute and adorable creatures that are kept as pets by people around the world. However, cats are known to be treacherous and deceptive. Seeing them in dreams is not considered a good omen as you can expect treachery and cheating from those around you. Killing a cat in dream reflects enemies in your life.

dissabte, 6 de juny del 2015

Barcelona vs Juventus , "El tridente"



The text talk about "El tridente" that are:Lionel Messi, Neymar Junior and Luis Suarez .The trident has scored 120 goals this term ,and Barcelona now set their sights on beating Juventus in Berlin on Saturday to add Europe's elite with trophy to La Liga and the Copa del Rey.

I think that Luis Enrique is who that awakened Messi, thanks to the trident.

The trident is the lethal weapon of Barcelona since that Messi  awoke , before the best trident were : CR7 , Higuain, Dimaria until that Luis Enrique created the treidente , that currently are maximum goledor of the world.


1- Watch your presentation and answer the following questions.

Do you use any resources: powerpoint, video, images, sound, real material...?
Are the resources focused on the topic?
Do the resources support your oral explanation?
Is the timing 5- 10 minutes?
Body language & eye contact
Are  you looking at your audience most of the time?
Are you reading occasionally from your notes ?
Are you doing any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience?
Do you organize your ideas in order of importance?
Do you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear? (First, then, secondly, on the one hand, on the other, finally…)
Do you introduce new information to your audience?
Is your information  detailed, clear and...?
Do you give/show examples?
Is your grammar correct, complex? (verbs, word order, tenses learnt in class)
Is your vocabulary rich, varied (synonyms, idioms, expressions, phasal verbs, topic-related)
Do you use sentence linkers? (and, but, moreover, also, furthermore, although, however…)
Do you use fillers? (well, you know, for example, one second, repeating a word…)
Pronunciation & Intonation
Do you know how to pronounce all your words? Did you check the pronunciation?
Do you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? Do you speak in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
You are your teacher! :-)                                 FINAL MARK:


I think that I was doing a good presentation but I haven't had the oportunity for express that I am able to do this better.
In this presentation I talked about air pollution and I had explain what are the effects,causes and what are the solutions that we made for prevent the disaster.
Finally I had a problem with the phone , I thought the video was intact. But when I wanted to pass the video into the computer, all of information was deleted.

Review: La Isla

The movie is based in science fiction, Lincoln, which lately beset by unexplained nightmares, is restless and increasingly questioning the restrictions that have been imposed on his life. But the truth catches you off guard when his growing curiosity leads to the terrible discovery that everything about his existence is a lie , that The Island is a cruel hoax ... and that he, Jordan , and all those who know are more valuable dead than alive. With time running out , Lincoln and Jordan engage in a daring escape to the outside world they've never met . Once you are outside and away from the prying eyes of the institute, the innocent friendship they shared begins to become something deeper. But forces pursuing them relentlessly complex , Lincoln and Jordan have a primary mission : to live .

Best Part:
For me the best part was when the clone found his clone, because the clone really  he wanted to explain everything to the other Lincoln . But unfortunately , the really Lincon he wanted to kill the clone  , but could not.


Personally, the movie is very good, the plot, everything is very good , imagine that there is a company that cloned people only to kill them when the owner needs an organ, makes you think , does not it ? And as two individuals who know nothing of the outside world , they manage to escape and find answers and save.

Description image

In this photo you can see a beautiful  and amazing scenery , is an image that surely has made an expert because it has been very well done.

In the picture you can see how light it reflects in the water, as the sun illuminates nature and as the waterfall arrive its destination .(water)

Probably the picture could have been done in southern Ameria , or some European country , as these are the only countries that have climatic conditions suitable to have this type of land.

In the final part of the landscape, we can see a mountain where have grown up a lot of trees which make the landscape more seen.

Opinion :
I think the man has been the cause of many problems including desertification .

We need to save energy and stop to pollute.

"Chicos y Chicas" 2

Three days ago I spoke to you about " Chicas y Chicos ," but now wanted to
give an accurate opinion . I think there are people who will " Pretender " because only wants to have  fame , and this makes that the program does not end perfect .
As we have seen the other episodes , Dani was " Tronista " but votes were held  , and  had lost . Now he be a  " Pretender " of Mary Rispa .

Even so I still think they have some relationship secret, because when I was searching to social networks, I have found pictures and other things that were very surprising .
So I could reach the conclucio that they are only in the program for fame and not for love, while there are people who have come to " pretenderla " and the poor are losing time with this, while they maybe they can found the love in other parts.

dilluns, 1 de juny del 2015

Lionel Messi

Last Saturday they played in Barcelona against Atletico Bilbao the final of the Copa del Rey.
I went to see a match on a kebab  with my friend , Yassin Chentouf , we bought a kebab , chips and  ice cream of desserts .
The game was exciting until that Messi scored a goal.
The goal was spectacular because Messi escaped four players who were together and finally he finished the play with a great shot at goal .
I think Messi is and will be the best player in football history .
A important part of this match is that was also the last cup match of Xavi.
Hernandez because he will already retire , and now we are glad to have experienced their game.
Thank you Xavi !!!!!

"Chicos y chicas" New series

Last week I was in youtube video buscano to entertain , I finally found one , this vido I really liked and thought I could go ahead.

It is a type of series where some boys or girls want to look for love , equal to : Women & Men & viseversa . 
First he began speak a presenter where he talked about the "Tronistas" and after he talked about the "Pretendientas"

The first tronista  was Dani Sanchez , that he mentioned that he was a bit shallow and he liked the girls were a little "pijillas" .

Karim Guilali was the second tronista , that he  mentioned that he were jealous with the girls and  he liked him that girls are good with him .

The program  began to succeed , well this is my opinion and hope you like it .

This is one of the vidos of this series.