dijous, 19 de maig del 2016

Final reflection.

This is my final post and finally I got it. Now I'm going to analyse two diferent your-says, one of the first term of batxillerat and another of second batxillerat.

This is the first your-say:

Dear Teacher,
How are you? I hope you're well. I am writing to tell you about my school.
I have classes in Institute Castello Empuries. I'm in class with and thirty-one studens.They're all from different cauntries. Our teacher's English names is Sonia guilana.She's very nice and very good teacher. I have chosen the scientific baccalaureate because I want to be a chemistry teacher or physics teacher.I do baccalaureate because i want to have more studies for access a university but before i have do one test.
That's all my news. Write to me soon
Best whises.

I have been surprised when I find my first your-say because I saw that my level was vey low but now I think that I improved my level of english because when I arrived in high school I had a bad level of english but when I put the "batteries" and I get over the problems that I had. The people can see the improvement now in my blog also you can found a lots of things about my self or about my life. Now I am very happy because I'm be able to talk with english person but I need to study more for improve more my english.

As you can see, before I used undifficult adjectives and undifficult sentences because I want to finish the blog fast and have a five in the final mark, but now I think that I was stupid because I could do the things better but I don't do it.

Currently, I think that the writings are the best activities that shows my level of english, because when I write , I feel that my engilish improve and I motivate mysalf to continue and do it better, also every time I give the writings to the teacher and she corrects the writings and after that she gaves me it and I feel happy because I wrote in Enlish and also I learn a new lenguage.

In conclusion, I think that my final your-says of the third term in second batxillerat are much better than my old posts in first batxillerat and I gave the thanks to the teachers and to my friends because they helps me to improve my level and also to learn a new lenguage and talk with the foreigners.

Best wishes !!!!!!! :) :) :)

diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016

Illegal wildlife trade campaign enlists tourists

Link: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-36226312


The United Nations estimates the illegal trade is worth billions of pounds each year.

Conservationists have launched a global campaign asking the public to help tackle the illegal trade in wildlife.

In recent years, there has been a resurgence in the poaching of threatened species, raising concern about the long-term survival of iconic animals such as tigers and rhinos.


I am against killing animals just to make a few simple bags or other things for our need. What we are doing is killing an animal because we want be happy.

We can see, Sadly, animals are being illegally killed or taken from the wild around the world to be sold for traditional medicines, luxury food, horns or other parts, restaurant dishes, fashion items or pets.

Tiger skin (Image courtesy of Traffic)

Fossils shed light on 'bizarre' reptile

Link: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-36195167

The scientists found out two specimens of Atopodentatus unearthed in China reveal details of the animal's skull and how it fed.
A crocodile-sized creature that lived 242 million years ago was the first known vegetarian marine reptile, according to new fossil evidence also the scientists say its hammer-shaped skull helped it to feed on underwater plants.
Fossil reconstruction
I think science has greatly increased and this has helped us get where we are now.
Science is the mother of all things, through it we can know how many years have passed since the death of crocodile species or  happened after and before that.


divendres, 6 de maig del 2016

Curiosity Mars Rover Crosses Rugged Plateau

LINK: http://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/curiosity-mars-rover-crosses-rugged-plateau


Mars rover has nearly finished crossing a stretch the roughness of the terrain raised concern that driving on it could be especially damaging to Curiosity's wheels. Holes and tears in the rover's aluminum wheels became noticeable in 2013. The rover team responded by adjusting the long-term traverse route, revising how local terrain is assessed and refining how drives are planned. Extensive Earth-based testing provided insight into wheel longevity.



There are hypotheses that attempt to deny the veracity of the Martian NASA missions, specifically what we try to explain these hypotheses is that robots NASA (called Rover) are not on Mars but on Earth, it's all a farce very prepared to pass unnoticed as true, and the reasons for this arrangement would hiding the truth, the truth guess would be that humanity needs not travel to Mars or other more distant planets at least for the sole purpose of finding alien life or study elements for life, because NASA maintains contact with alien life decades ago, and finally, that's what counts in many parts.

360-degree panorama

The last Summer Holidays

The last summer holidays I travelled to Morroco and also I travelled to França.
My last holidays were my longest holidays, and I think that I learnt how to spend the time. I enjoyed a lot with my friends, and my family, and I met new people too, because I was in different places during the summer, and I wanted to meet people everywhere.

When I was in Morroco I went to see my grandmother and my grandfather and also  I bought a lots of things because in  this place all the things are cheap. Morroco is very beautiful and also the traditon that they have is amazing, I like so much the weddings.

Next, I went to Paris with my parents and my sister. Actually.  We stayed there for four days, and it was really unforgettable. When I saw the park, I opened my eyes the most I could and I did not close them until the night at the hotel. Also I saw the Torre Eiffel and anothers things like the restaurants os pizza or the jewelleries.

Finally, I came back at home. My parents looked for a really relaxing time, and we were on the beach for some days.

The Frogs

Frogs are amphibians. The characteristics of amphibians are:

They live near water. Their bare skin. Adults breathe through lungs and skin.

Their limbs are legs. In some cases, between the fingers of the legs extends a membrane that allows them to swim.

They are oviparous, that is born from eggs. They lay eggs in the water, because they have dried peel and ground.

The amphibian eggs are born larvae called tadpoles that living in the water. The tadpoles, have gills instead of lungs. Later the tail it's going small and appear lungs and legs. This change process called metamorphosis and  makes that the  adults amphibians capable of leaving the water.

The last Saturday

Last Saturday, I had a pícnic at the beache with some friends. We were playing volleyball with no shoes on. Suddenly I stood on a piece of glass. It really hurt and there was blood everywhere.

I sat down on the sand. Then, my friend Campio came to help me. He tried to get the glass out of my foot. Meanwhile. the others packed up the pícnic things and got ready to leave. Then , my friends helped me walk to the road but it was difficult because the glass was still in my foot.

We were standing at the bus stop waiting for a bus. Suddenly, I heard my name. It was my cousin, Aiman, in the car. Aimans's a doctor. He looked at my foot carefully.

Then, he said, "Get in the car, you need to go to hospital" . Then, Aiman drove me to the hospita.

Finally my friend phoned my parents an told them about my accident.

A formal E-MAIL.

Dear Mr.President Barack Obama,
I am writing to tell you that the human rights are violated. I was in New York and I saw that the people are discriminated by their religions because  they think that it is a fake.
According to the Article 1 of the human rights, all the human race is born free and equal and they are fitted of reason and conscience. But is not only broken in your country, because I travelled around the world and I saw that they are violated everywhere.
But not only the Article 1 is violated also the Article 5. The Article 5 says: "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment".
This Human Right is not complied in many countries. In your  country there are cases of torture to terrorists and mistreat of immigrants.
In view of that we are angry because the human rights are not respected and also I think that theb  government has to do something to solve the problema.
Your faithfully,
Soufyane el Baizi el Jamili and Martí Sanz.

The queen of death.

In this writing I'm going to summarize the story that I read.
Salahadin El Nur is an Inspector in the Egyptian Police, his job is to protect Egyptian Antiquities. He is a detective and also he is very clever .
His assistant Leila Osman. Leila and  like him, she was a graduate of Cairo University. Leila was twenty seven, six younger than Salahadin.
One day, Salahadin travelled to London because he have holidays. On Saturday evening, when he was  in Piccadilly to buy postcard for Leila, he noticed a book interested him. The title of the book was “The Mystery Of Queen Axtarte” and the name of the author was Dr John Farrow. Next, Salahadin ask about Farrow to his friend called Dr Peter Earl. Dr Earl, and he told him that now Farrow was in Cairo and he know it thanks to the newspaper which in Dr Farrow was telling something about the queen Axtarta. Before to Cairo, he  sent off a telex about Farrow to Chief Inspector Ahmed Abbas and another telex to Leila from Egyptian Embassy in London.
Next morning in Cairo, Salahadin went to see Professor Gomouchian and they was talking about Queen Axtarte and then Gomouchian told him about the curse of this queen. Meantwhile Salahadin Leila and Ahmed were at the Hotel Mirabel where the ask the Manager if he saw Mr. Farrow .But he don't know who was Farrow. Forty minutes later, Salahadin arrived to the Hotel and found a book and he opened the book. He found a piece of letter. It is message from Mr. Farrow, he want everybody who read this message can help him to solve the problema.
In the desert, Farrow, Keesing, and de Fries was seeking  The Tomb Of The Queen. Keesing and de Fries threaten Farrow that Greer would kill his wife if he don't told them where the tomb is. Then Farrow told them where the tombis  but he don’t want to be near that tomb when it’s open. And, who open the tomb is de Fries and then de Fries died because infected by the germs of a terrible disease.
Meanwhile in Cairo, Leila and Ahmed were searching for Farrow’s wife in a European part of Cairo called Heliopolis.
After that, Keesing found the tomb and Dr Jusef Strengel followed him. Dr Juseg take the tomb and killed Keesing, but Salahadin cames with the police to save Farrow and keep that tomb in the right place. Strengel  died because he was infected by the germs of a terrible disease . And Farrow’s wife can be saved and also finally the mountain was demolished.

The dolphins and their feature.

The dolphin is a marine mammal that is near the coast. There are 32 species, the best known is the bottlenose dolphin that is what we can see in zoos and water parks. Its size can vary according to the species it belongs and can vary from 3 meters up to 1.2 meters long.

Dolphins communicate using a noise, the other dolphins interpret the echoes generated in contact with the objects around you and using dance movements, doing stunts and jumps.
Dolphins prefer warm waters and often they swim with large flocks . They eat a variety of fish. Each dolphin has markings that identify and distinguish it from the others.

One of the things that are strangest is the language of dolphins because  thanks to her offspring can suck mother's milk without mixing with seawater. When they sleep, they are always alert; can close one eye and the other half is open, so although it is still sleeping they even watching what you swim.

The reproduction is similar to that of humans. The male follows the female and if he happens to copulate  she accept. Usually the mating season is all year, except those living in colder waters.

The blue whale

The blue whale is the largest mammal in the world, and the largest animal ever known. These whales breathe air, but they have their home in the water, which helps to support the weight of his big body. We can find this mammals in any ocean. They swim in small groups or alone. In times of summer, often go to colder waters. Also they make great migrations towards the equator when winter comes. Normally we can see the blue whale on coasts of California and Mexico.

They feed on denim and can consume between 4 and 8 tons per day. Currently, we only know that there are few examples of this kind of whale. For many years, blue whales have been hunted so cruel for grease and oil, which has led to a dramatic decrease in the number of the population of whales.

When you exhale, let go a powerful water jet to the hole you up from your body about nine meters.

They live 35 to 40 years and measured from 25 to 32 meters and weigh about 180 kg.

There are a lots of people kill  the blue whales because they want their skin or their meat and thanks to the greenpeace they can't do it.

dijous, 14 d’abril del 2016

Can you have a good relationship with your exes?

In most relationships, the time to say goodbye usually arrives at one point or another. You have shared memories with you ex that will  make you laugh or cry, and it's time to take your experiences and put them in your back pocket and move on

I think that the person who does the breaking up feels like less of a bad guy by offering that sense of truce: "It's not you, it's me. We can still be friends." This is the typical expresion that  the person who wants to break up says.
The offering of friendship provides the dumper with the consolation of knowing they aren't such a horrible person because they still want to be friends with their ex.

When you break up with your ex, after a few days she becomes a monster because she wants to make you feel jealous and this provokes you and your ex never arrive to have a good relationship.

Your ex always wants to be the friend of your friends and destroy your relationships with the other girls that you love. She is like Voldemort because he wants to kill Harry Potter but the only difference that he has  is that she want to destoy him and not to kill.

Another thing is that she always are where you are, in the restaurant, supermaket or another place.

In conclusion you can't have a good relationship with your exes because they always want to ruin you.

dijous, 7 d’abril del 2016

Human Rights

The humans rights are the union of the meaning of the word human and the word rights, in other words, we obtain that   are the rights that you have simply because you are human.
There are thirty human rights and this are created on December 10/1948, when the United Nations General Assembly adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the full text appears on the following pages . Following this historic act the Assembly called upon all Member countries to publicize the text of the Declaration and to be " distributed , displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions , without distinction based on the political status of countries or territories . "
I have chosen this human right because I think that the people didn't accomplish it. We can see curently that because the war that was in Siria a lots of peoples emigrated to Europa and the European people don't hepl him and they didn't give food and shalter.

You can see more in this link:

diumenge, 13 de març del 2016

dissabte, 12 de març del 2016

Empuriabrava trip.

Can the Internet make the world a beeter please?

Nowadays the Internet is the thing that the people use every day, every hour,every minute. The Internet is something that allows you to search the thing that you wish.

Firstly then Internet is important because thanks to this we can communicate with other people without call. We can use whatsapp or facebook. Another characteristic is that we could send photos or videos to the other people and also they could send another things.

Secondly  Internet allows the progress of the science and thanks to this improvement we could know more things about the universe and the Earth. 

Currently we can see the improvement of medicine and of the health, the people have more life to live and all this things are obtained thanks to the Internet.

Barcelona record

Suárez marcó así el 0-4 del Barça al Eibar


Barcelona can extend today to 12 his winning streak in the league if he can beat Getafe in the Nou Camp. One more win and equal the record of 12 set by Tito Vilanova in the 2102-2013 season and will have two ahead. The Rijkaard in the 2005-2006 season and the record set by Pep Guardiola in 2010-2011.

On January 2, in Cornellà, the Barca team was not the goalless draw against Espanyol. Since then, and have already served two months, the club has added all wins in the league. Granada, Athletic, Malaga, Atletico, Levante, Celta, Sporting in that game postponed for the World Club, Las Palmas, Sevilla, Rayo Vallecano and Eibar have not known how to beat Barca. The scorer balance is also very noticeable 38 goals in favor and only seven against.


Well, what do you think of the word Futbol ... For me since age 7 is my true passion and main hobby which I practice.
Many people hate this sport because they always say that is a sport which playing 22 guys and go all the time behind a ball like dogs. In my opinion it is a work of art see how they play, and is a very interesting strategy game.

In the world every day there are more fans who are passionate in this the sport and they like to see events like F.C. BARCELONA VS R.MADRID which has an incredible global hearing not to mention a world of Football.

The Cheetah

The cheetah is the fastest land mammal in the world. Its acceleration capacity, which would nailed to most cars, allows you to go from 0 to 96 mph in just three seconds. This big cat is extremely agile when moving at high speed and is able to make quick turns and unexpected chasing their prey.

Before unleash their speed, the cheetah uses its exceptionally keen eyesight to track the savannah for signs of prey, especially antelopes and hares. The cheetah is a diurnal hunter who takes advantage of his stealthy movements and their mottled skin feature, through which can easily be confused with high and dry vegetation.

Time, will begin a sprint towards their prey and try to bring it down. These persecutions will involve a huge expenditure of energy, which usually last less than a minute. If the prosecution is successful, the cheetah usually take their catch to a shady hiding to keep her away from scavengers, sometimes appropriating the victim before the cheetah can start eating it. Cheetahs need to drink just once every three or four days.

This animals are awsome!!!!

The Iberian lynx

Lince iberico


The Iberian lynx has managed to take a step towards survival. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has published today the update of the Red List of endangered (en perill) species. And the lynx, which for three decades is undergoing a recovery program Life passes from the category of "critically endangered" to "endangered" to dry.

Late last century, lynx grazed extinction. That was when the plan was launched Iberlince, the Life project with more funds across the European Union.


The endangered animals are many and every day there are more, because the cancer of the planet continues and nobody can stop it, or rather, no one wants.It is almost late for cure but who begins to cure if all are the disease, "the Human Being" the worst cancer of the planet, the animal eats, and uses what it needs as a natural resources and are not wasted. We install us in a place we reproduce ourselves and we eat all and spend all resources and after that we have to immigrate elsewhere gain sufficient assurance with the same destroying and avarice, without thinking about those who will come after.

Soon we'll be the endangered animals think of this way.

The problems of the Earth.

Acid rain

The smoke coming out the exhaust of cars, chimneys of some plants (especially if they work at very high temperatures) and emerging power plants that produce harmful gases. These gases react with water vapor in the atmosphere and produce acidic substances. When it rains, the rain water mixed with such substances and give a mixture, acid rain, harmful for human beings and for building materials.


In this country, every citizen produces an average of 1 kg of garbage a day. This amount multiplied by the number of inhabitants of each town and city represents a very large daily production of waste that municipalities are responsible for collecting. Many of the things that are thrown away could be recycled and so, apart from saving energy and raw materials, there is less waste.

The greenhouse effect

Burning coal, gasoline, natural gas or ignite a forest, produce carbon dioxide . This gas is mixed with air and forms a layer that lets in sunlight , but not to go out. Consequently, the Earth heats: the greenhouse effect. If the Earth gets too hot, the polar ice is able to undone and can increase the water level of the seas and oceans.

Fossil reptile discovery ' something extraordinary'

The reptile lived near lakes and rivers, feeding on smaller reptiles


The reptile lived just after a mass extinction event 252 million years ago that was thought to have been triggered by a string of volcanic eruptions.
The reptile and its close relatives the archosauriformes  became the dominant animals on land and eventually gave rise to the dinosaurs.
Dr Felipe Pinheiro from Universidade Federal do Pampa is among the scientists from three Brazilian universities who discovered the well-preserved fossil skull (crani) near the southern city of São Francisco de Assis. He said that the discovery of Damajagua was really exciting
They study the anatomy (anatomia) of this reptiles and they said that is somewhere between that of more primitive reptiles and the archosauriformes, which include all dinosaurs and pterosaurs (flying reptiles), along with modern day birds and crocodiles.

Science is a body of knowledge that help us understand and find out how our world works.

Knowing the why of natural phenomena, the functioning of living organisms, etc. It allows us to change processes and operations in order to improve our existence.
With science, we managed to replace our lack of instincts to adapt and survive because although we have no claws to hunt or a shield to defend ourselves we can replace those failures by other tools.

We managed to transform matter into energy and use it to improve our quality of life. We detect diseases and drugs to cure them create, invent materials that resist and adapt to certain environments and extreme situations and adapt to live in inhospitable places or places with continuous risk of earthquakes.
Thanks to advances in science and technology, man dominates the world and nature to the point of trying to create life laboratory life that will serve humanity and to science to move forward.

As we could see in this news the scientists was able to  find and study the reptile that they discovered and to compare with the other species, and thanks to this things I could say : that the science improved a lot.

The French rap.

During this month I traveled a lot in France, and this has made that I have accustomed to their customs ; even their music.
They have taught me many French artists who sing the same type of song, the rap. 
And now I would like to share the name and small of their bibliography to learn more about him and their life, they sing songs that are awesome and amazing.

First of all, I will begin to explain Lacrim and then I will continue with Mister you.

  • Karim Zenoud grew up in Chevilly-Larue city of the southern suburbs of Paris, in the Val-de-Marne, where his family moved when he was 5 years old. He left school at the age of 11 and made his first flight at the age of 14, according to his statements in an interview with Parisien. He wears a difficult adolescence; when he  turned 17 years old, his goal was to "go out", because he wanted to triumph, he wanted to have a good life .

  • He born in Paris of Moroccan descent, he was raised in the Belleville area . He lived in the south of France trying to make a career in music. His first official album was in December 2009 entitled "Présumé coupable" (meaning Presumed guilty).In 2009 the police French wanted to arrest him, because his music was bad for the young boys. Finally they arrested him.Mister You has released new materials including mixtape and street album M.D.R. that incorporated corporations with various rappers like Bruler and Lacrim, Tunisiano, Zesau and others and was released on 25 October 2010.
As we could see , the life of this artists was difficult and bad, but they finally could get their aims.

divendres, 11 de març del 2016

Self-Presentation and opinion.

Do you use any resources: powerpoint, video, images, sound, real material...?
Are the resources focused on the topic?
Do the resources support your oral explanation?
Is the timing 5- 10 minutes?
Body language & eye contact
Are  you looking at your audience most of the time?
Are you reading occasionally from your notes ?
Are you doing any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience?
Do you organize your ideas in order of importance?
Do you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear? (First, then, secondly, on the one hand, on the other, finally…)
Do you introduce new information to your audience?
Is your information  detailed, clear and...?
Do you give/show examples?
Is your grammar correct, complex? (verbs, word order, tenses learnt in class)
Is your vocabulary rich, varied (synonyms, idioms, expressions, phasal verbs, topic-related)
Do you use sentence linkers? (and, but, moreover, also, furthermore, although, however…)
Do you use fillers? (well, you know, for example, one second, repeating a word…)
Pronunciation & Intonation
Do you know how to pronounce all your words? Did you check the pronunciation?
Do you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? Do you speak in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
You are your teacher! :-)                                 FINAL MARK:


I think I made a good presentation because I explained my work in a simple and understandable mode, but in truth it was completely the opposite as there were different chemical formulas which could make it complicated.
Also I think I have experienced an improvement in my accent because I could say the words quickly and easily without any problem.

Failed to upload the video of my presentation because of the automatic restoration that has taken my phone.

Still you can see my research paper in the library of the institute of Castello d'Empuries or you can order them a disc.

Cabestany, the small and wonderful town.

Yesterday I was in Cabestany that is a locality and French commune located in the department of Pyrenees-Orientales in the Languedoc-Roussillon, in the neighborhood of Perpignan South.

This small and wonderful town is the locality where my cousins live, and also it is situated next to Perpignan.This city is a little small but this makes people be united. I think there are many people and almost all are rich , because the political situation there is very good.
The houses are very large and we can even say that they are mansions for its size.

The majority of individuals who live there are Algerians and Moroccans, who certainly have emigrated a long time in the country , and they have established because they have had problems in his country.

The relation between the algerians is very good , for part of the French who live with them in the village.

Inside the houses, we can find different classes pools and televisions, consoles, mobile phones and others that are very expensive.

In short, this pretty little town is the dream of anyone who might already have everything you want.

The holidays of my aunt.

Two days ago my aunt came from Saudi Arabia, a country that is in Asia. She had gone to see the great mosque called Mekka,where is the body of the great and amazing  islamic prophet, Muhammad .

Mekka is a city in the west of the Arabian Peninsula. Formerly called Mahoraba. Muhammad was born in this city and is the largest of all the holy cities of Islam, visited each year by numerous pilgrims. 

My aunt told me that the city of Mecca is the final destination of the pilgrimage sacred Islamic faith. The city hosts every year thousands of pilgrims from around the world to fulfill the fifth pillar of Islam. Also said me that the pilgrimage can be met in two ways: Visiting strict holy places of Mecca (Pilgrimage Minor or major) or the combined visit the holy sites of Mecca and its place sacred (haram) for the month of Dhu al-Hijjah, dedicated to this purpose (Great Pilgrimage or Hajj).

When she finished all the things,she came back to home and she explained me all the wonderful things that she have passed when she was there.

Clash Royale the new game of play store.

Today I was in class  when, suddenly, my friend informed me that he had downloaded a new game called Clash Royale, also he said that this game was created by the same creators that  made Clash of Clans and that they kept some features of this game into the Clash Royale.

Clash Royale is a simple yet complex game : we have two players, each with a base and weapons , and mission is to conquer the opponent's base . The attacks are real time, so our speed to attack and defend is important, and also includes successful concepts from other games, like cards or magic. Something quite different from Clash of Clans, but still drinking from their influence.

Currently the game is available in a handful of countries , besides having been released for iOS. 

Another thing that  is amazing is that the cards are divided in three groups: Trop cards, spell cards and building cards. We could  get the cards with the chests( That also there are differents: gold, silver, wood and others).